Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.


During the adolescent years it is a time of growing in self-image, self-esteem, and risk taking. Development of self-awareness is important during the adolescent years this is when friendships develop, peer socialization occurs, and shaping of character and personalities take place (Burns, Dunn, Brady, Starr & Blosser, 2013).Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.


Self-perception is important during the early and late stages of adolescents this is when body-image, peer acceptance, self-esteem and self-concept play a big role in emotional and mental behavior. Body-image along with self-esteem is how the child see’s self and fit in with their peers, it is self evaluation and the feeling of happiness and satisfaction.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers. Females go through many emotional changes as well as physical changes, the start of Menes, breast development, and hair in axillaries and pubic areas (Burns et al., 2013). Males go through similar changes with hair growth to axillaries, pubic and facial; they also experience testicle and penis enlargement and voice changes (Burns et al., 2013). These body changes can cause low self-esteem if negative changes occur such as acne, overweight, small body parts (breast/penis) when compared to fellow peers. Self-concept is the part as it relates to academic and life successes, the increased independence gives more opportunities in participation in activities that are socially acceptable (ex. going to mall, movies, dating, out with friends).Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Positive behavior is important to maintain, now with the increased freedom in the adolescent years comes the risky behavior issues. Peer pressure involves the exploration with drinking, smoking and drugs, and sex, also in testing personal boundaries (Burns et al., 2013). Reinforcing good behaviors and punishing bad behaviors is important. Some strategies in positive parenting include talking with the child about right and wrong behaviors and the consequences of negative behaviors. Providing good role models, teach good values and beliefs, and moral judgment. Parents need to listen in a non-judgmental way and provide positive feedback and support.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Mental wellness in adolescents involves coping with stress and psychological issues such as depression, anxiety or suicidal thoughts (Burns et al., 2013). Some other forms of stress are traumatic events such as death in the family, violence in the family (abuse, neglect, or homelessness), school violence (bulling or shooting and suicide), or natural loss of home due to fire. Providers play a role in educating the parents on how to pick up on key signs when talking to child or non-verbal clues is an important part of mental wellness. A key strategy for parents and providers is open communication, it is crucial that know they can come to you and you will not be judgmental.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers. Mental wellness can also be influenced by genetic factor such as in anxiety or depression disorders. Emotional wellness comes from feeling loved and worthy of love; also a good strong parent-child relationship attachment (Prilleltensky, Nelson & Peirson, 2001).Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Resources for Child and Parents of Adolescent

Providers are great a resource for parents during the adolescent years. We can provide assistance in school, psychologists, neurologists, and other institutes for mental wellness. We as providers can guide parents to books and pamphlets to read about teaching adolescents on drugs, alcohol prevention, and sexual abstinence. As providers we teach the child of the risk factors of drugs, alcohol, and STD’s.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Adolescence (10–19 years) is a unique and formative time. Whilst most adolescents have good mental health, multiple physical, emotional and social changes, including exposure to poverty, abuse, or violence, can make adolescents vulnerable to mental health problems. Promoting psychological well-being and protecting adolescents from adverse experiences and risk factors which may impact their potential to thrive are not only critical for their well-being during adolescence, but also for their physical and mental health in adulthood.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Mental health determinants
Adolescence is a crucial period for developing and maintaining social and emotional habits important for mental well-being. These include adopting healthy sleep patterns; taking regular exercise; developing coping, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills; and learning to manage emotions. Supportive environments in the family, at school, and in the wider community are also important.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Multiple factors determine the mental health of an adolescent at any one time. The more risk factors adolescents are exposed to, the greater the potential impact on their mental health. Factors which can contribute to stress during adolescence include a desire for greater autonomy, pressure to conform with peers, exploration of sexual identity, and increased access to and use of technology. Media influence and gender norms can exacerbate the disparity between an adolescent’s lived reality and their perceptions or aspirations for the future.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers. Other important determinants for the mental health of adolescents are the quality of their home life and their relationships with their peers. Violence (including harsh parenting and bullying) and socio-economic problems are recognized risks to mental health. Children and adolescents are especially vulnerable to sexual violence, which has a clear association with detrimental mental health.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Some adolescents are at greater risk of mental health conditions due to their living conditions, stigma, discrimination or exclusion, or lack of access to quality support and services. These include adolescents living in humanitarian and fragile settings; adolescents with chronic illness, autism spectrum disorder, an intellectual disability or other neurological condition; pregnant adolescents, adolescent parents, or those in early and/or forced marriages; orphans; and adolescents from minority ethnic or sexual backgrounds or other discriminated groups.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Adolescents with mental health conditions are in turn particularly vulnerable to social exclusion, discrimination, stigma (affecting readiness to seek help), educational difficulties, risk-taking behaviours, physical ill-health and human rights violations.

Mental health conditions in adolescents
Worldwide, it is estimated that 10–20% of adolescents experience mental health conditions, yet these remain underdiagnosed and undertreated. Signs of poor mental health can be overlooked for a number of reasons, such as a lack of knowledge or awareness about mental health among health workers, or stigma preventing them from seeking help.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Emotional disorders
Emotional disorders commonly emerge during adolescence. In addition to depression or anxiety, adolescents with emotional disorders can also experience excessive irritability, frustration, or anger. Symptoms can overlap across more than one emotional disorder with rapid and unexpected changes in mood and emotional outbursts. Younger adolescents may additionally develop emotion-related physical symptoms such as stomach ache, headache, or nausea.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Globally, depression is the ninth leading cause of illness and disability among all adolescents; anxiety is the eighth leading cause. Emotional disorders can be profoundly disabling to an adolescent’s functioning, affecting schoolwork and attendance. Withdrawal or avoidance of family, peers or the community can exacerbate isolation and loneliness. At its worse, depression can lead to suicide.

Childhood behavioural disorders
Childhood behavioural disorders are the sixth leading cause of disease burden among adolescents. Adolescence can be a time where rules, limits and boundaries are tested. However, childhood behavioural disorders represent repeated, severe and non-age-appropriate behaviours such as hyper-activity and inattention (such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) or destructive or challenging behaviours (for example, conduct disorder). Childhood behavioural disorders can affect adolescents’ education, and are sometimes associated with contact with judicial systems.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Eating disorders
Eating disorders commonly emerge during adolescence and young adulthood. Most eating disorders affect females more commonly than males. Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder are characterised by harmful eating behaviours such as restricting calories or binge eating. Anorexia and bulimia nervosa also include a preoccupation with food, body shape or weight, and behaviours such as excessive exercise or vomiting to compensate for calorie intake. People with anorexia nervosa have a low body weight and a heightened fear of weight gain. People with binge eating disorder can experience feelings of distress, guilt or self-disgust when binge eating. Eating disorders are detrimental to health and often co-exist with depression, anxiety and/or substance misuse.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Disorders which include symptoms of psychosis most commonly emerge in late adolescence or early adulthood. Symptoms of psychosis can include hallucinations (such as hearing or seeing things which are not there) or delusions (including fixed, non-accurate beliefs). Experiences of psychosis can severely impair an adolescent’s ability to participate in daily life and education. In many contexts, adolescents with psychosis are highly stigmatized and at risk of human rights violations.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Suicide and self-harm
It is estimated that 62 000 adolescents died in 2016 as a result of self-harm. Suicide is the third leading cause of death in older adolescents (15–19 years). Nearly 90% of the world’s adolescents live in low- or middle-income countries but more than 90% of adolescent suicides are among adolescents living in those countries. Suicide attempts can be impulsive or associated with a feeling of hopelessness or loneliness. Risk factors for suicide are multifaceted, including harmful use of alcohol, abuse in childhood, stigma against help-seeking, barriers to accessing care, and access to means. Communication through digital media about suicidal behaviour is an emerging concern for this age group.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Risk-taking behaviours
Many risk-taking behaviours for health, such as substance use or sexual-risk taking, start during adolescence. Limitations in adolescents’ ability to plan and manage their emotions, normalization of the taking of risks that have an impact on health among peers and contextual factors such as poverty and exposure to violence can increase the likelihood of engaging in risk-taking behaviours. Risk-taking behaviours can be both an unhelpful strategy to cope with poor mental health, and can negatively contribute to and severely impact an adolescent’s mental and physical well-being.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Harmful use of substances (such as alcohol or drugs) are major concerns in most countries. Worldwide, the prevalence of heavy episodic drinking among adolescents aged 15-19 years was 13.6% in 2016, with males most at risk. Harmful substance use in adolescents increases the likelihood of further risk-taking such as unsafe sex. In turn, sexual risk-taking increases adolescents’ risk of sexually-transmitted infections and early pregnancy – a leading cause of death for older adolescent girls and young women (including during childbirth and from unsafe abortion).Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

The use of tobacco and cannabis are additional concerns. In 2016, based on data available from 130 countries, it was estimated that 5.6% of 15–16 year olds had used cannabis at least once in the preceding year [1]. Many adult smokers have their first cigarette prior to the age of 18 years.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Perpetration of violence is a risk-taking behaviour which can increase the likelihood of low educational attainment, injury, involvement with crime, or death. Interpersonal violence was ranked the second leading cause of death of older adolescent boys in 2016.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Promotion and prevention
Interventions to promote adolescents’ mental health aim to strengthen protective factors and enhance alternatives to risk-taking behaviours. Promotion of mental health and well-being helps adolescents in building resilience so that they can cope well in difficult situations or adversities. Promotion programmes for all adolescents and prevention programmes for adolescents at risk of mental health conditions require a multilevel approach with varied delivery platforms – for example, digital media, health or social care settings, schools, or the community.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Examples of promotion and prevention activities include:

one-to-one, group-delivered, or self-guided online psychological interventions;
family-focused interventions such as caregiver skills training, including interventions which address caregivers’ needs;
school-based interventions, such as:
organizational changes for a safe, secure and positive psychological environment;
teaching on mental health and life-skills;
training staff in detection and basic management of suicide risk; and
school-based prevention programmes for adolescents vulnerable to mental health conditions;
community-based interventions such as peer leadership or mentoring programmes;
prevention programmes targeted at vulnerable adolescents, such as those affected by humanitarian and fragile settings, and minority or discriminated groups;
programmes to prevent and manage the effects of sexual violence on adolescents;
multisectoral suicide prevention programmes;
multilevel interventions to prevent alcohol and substance abuse;
comprehensive sex education to help prevent risky sexual behaviours; and
violence prevention programmes.

Early detection and treatment
It is crucial to address the needs of adolescents with defined mental health conditions. Avoiding institutionalization and over-medicalization, prioritizing non-pharmacological approaches, and respecting the rights of children in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and other human rights instruments are key for adolescents.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Interventions for adolescents should consider:

The importance of early detection and provision of evidence-based interventions for mental and substance use disorders. WHO’s mental health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) provides evidence-based guidelines for non-specialists to enable them to better identify and support priority mental health conditions in lower-resourced settings.
Transdiagnostic interventions – for example, those which target multiple mental health problems.
Delivery by supervised staff who are trained in managing adolescents’ specific needs.
Engaging and empowering caregivers, where appropriate, and exploring adolescents’ preferences.
Face-to-face and guided self-help methods, including electronic mental health interventions. Due to stigma or the feasibility of accessing services, unguided self-help may be suitable for adolescents.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.
Psychotropic medication should be used with great caution and should only be offered to adolescents with moderate-severe mental health conditions when psychosocial interventions prove ineffective and when clinically indicated and with informed consent. The treatments should be provided under the supervision of a specialist and with close clinical monitoring for potential adverse effects.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Emotional health is an important part of overall health. People who are emotionally healthy are in control of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. They are able to cope with life’s challenges. They can keep problems in perspective and bounce back from setbacks. They feel good about themselves and have good relationships.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Being emotionally healthy does not mean you are happy all the time. It means you are aware of your emotions. You can deal with them, whether they are positive or negative. Emotionally healthy people still feel stress, anger, and sadness. But they know how to manage their negative feelings. They can tell when a problem is more than they can handle on their own. They also know when to seek help from their doctor.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Research shows that emotional health is a skill. There are steps you can take to improve your emotional health and be happier.

Path to improved well being
Emotional health is an important part of your life. It allows you to realize your full potential. You can work productively and cope with the stresses of everyday life. It helps you work with other people and contribute to society.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

It also affects your physical health. Research shows a link between an upbeat mental state and physical signs of good health. These include lower blood pressure, reduced risk of heart disease, and a healthier weight

There are many ways to improve or maintain good emotional health.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Be aware of your emotions and reactions. Notice what in your life makes you sad, frustrated, or angry. Try to address or change those things.
Express your feelings in appropriate ways. Let people close to you know when something is bothering you. Keeping feelings of sadness or anger inside adds to stress. It can cause problems in your relationships and at work or school.
Think before you act. Emotions can be powerful. Give yourself time to think, and be calm before you say or do something you might regret.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.
Manage stress. Try to change situations causing you stress. Learn relaxation methods to cope with stress. These could include deep breathing, meditation, and exercise.
Strive for balance. Find a healthy balance between work and play and between activity and rest. Make time for things you enjoy. Focus on positive things in your life.
Take care of your physical health. Your physical health can affect your emotional health. Exercise regularly, eat healthy meals, and get enough sleep. Don’t abuse drugs or alcohol.
Connect with others. We are social creatures. We need positive connections with other people. Make a lunch date, join a group, and say hi to strangers.
Find purpose and meaning. Figure out what it is important to you in life, and focus on that. This could be your work, your family, volunteering, caregiving, or something else. Spend your time doing what feels meaningful to you.
Stay positive. Focus on the good things in your life. Forgive yourself for making mistakes, and forgive others. Spend time with healthy, positive people.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.
Things to consider
People who have good emotional health can still have emotional problems or mental illness. Mental illness often has a physical cause. This could be a chemical imbalance in the brain. Stress and problems with family, work, or school can trigger mental illness or make it worse.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Counseling, support groups, and medicines can help people who have emotional problems or mental illness. If you have an ongoing emotional problem, talk to your family doctor. He or she can help you find the right type of treatment.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

That's the thing about depression: A human being can survive almost anything, as long as she sees the end in sight. But depression is so insidious, and it compounds daily, that it's impossible to ever see the end. - Elizabeth Wurtzel, Prozac Nation

As teenagers go through stages of puberty, one may become emotionally confused about different events. Teenagers experience stress of gaining or maintaining a new job, increase on schoolwork and misunderstanding parents. As the ups and downs in life occur, some seem to mentally last longer than others. Mental health amongst adolescents is an every day issue. Within a society of rules and norms; mental health problems with teenagers result in different reactions. The top three mental health issues amongst teens are depression, self-harm, and suicide.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Firstly, depression can be linked back to family members with depression. As the genetics pass on so does the mental health issues. For example, if the parent(s) suffered from depression in their teenager years, the child is more likely to suffer around the same time. The genetic risk of developing clinical depression is about 40% (Black Dog, 2013). Secondly, stress can lead to depression. Stress can come from work, family and financial issues. For example, working two jobs and trying to make ends meet can be overwhelming. This can trigger depression as one ends up feeling lonely and unable to do basic things. As a teenager, some are forced to work two jobs in order to provide basic necessities. Thirdly, underemployment or unemployment can cause depression through financial issues (Financial Highway, 2013). Basic necessities cannot be provided for one’s self or family. This contributes to self-esteem as having no money means not having decent clothes or money to go places. For example, at school kids would have the latest fashion styles, phones and lunch money. A teenager in this atmosphere with this situation would have money for one or none of these things. Surrounded with these tribulations can cause depression amongst adolescents.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Secondly, mental health is dealt with through self-harm amongst teenagers. Self-harm can be in different ways such as cutting, ripping and beating one’s self. For example, cutting is the most common way of self-harm. According to Healthy Place, 90 percent of people who engage in self-harm begin during their teen or pre-adolescent years. Cutting also known as self-mutilation can begin from a tender age of 14 and can carry on into transitioning as an adult. Secondly, self-harm can be a physical release of emotional pain. According to, it is described as “intense mixture of symbolic meanings – self-punishment, but also a mark of courage; a physical manifestation of inner pain for self and/or others to see; something to hide, but also something with which to shock and hurt others”. Although this sums it up, it could also mean a way of escaping emotional feelings towards situations and life as whole.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Your teenage child needs good mental health to develop in a healthy way, build strong relationships and deal with challenges.
A strong and loving relationship with you can have a direct and positive impact on your child’s mental health.
Physical health is key to mental health. Encourage your child to stay active, eat well, sleep, and avoid alcohol and other drugs.
If you’re concerned about your child’s mental health, start by talking with your child.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.
On this page:
What is pre-teen and teenage mental health?
Promoting good teenage mental health
Signs your child might need help with mental health
Talking with your child about mental health
Getting help for your child’s mental health problems
Teenage mental health conditions
What is pre-teen and teenage mental health?
Mental health is a way of describing social and emotional wellbeing. Your child needs good mental health to develop in a healthy way, build strong relationships, adapt to change and deal with life’s challenges.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Pre-teens and teenagers who have good mental health often:

feel happier and more positive about themselves and enjoy life
have healthier relationships with family and friends
do physical activity and eat a healthy diet
get involved in activities
have a sense of achievement
can relax and get a good night’s sleep
feel like they belong to their communities.
Adolescence can be a risky period for mental health problems. On top of environment and genes, teenagers go through many changes and challenges in a short period of time. This all happens while teenage brains are still maturing.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Promoting good teenage mental health
Your love and support and a strong relationship with you can have a direct and positive impact on your child’s mental health. It can even reduce the chances of your child experiencing mental health problems.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Here are some ideas to promote your child’s mental health and wellbeing:

Show love, affection and care for your child.
Show that you’re interested in what’s happening in your child’s life. Praise his efforts as well as his good points and achievements and value his ideas.
Enjoy spending time together one on one with your child, and also as a family.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.
Encourage your child to talk about feelings with you. It’s important for your child to feel she doesn’t have to go through things on her own and that you can work together to find solutions to problems.
Deal with problems as they arise, rather than letting them build up.
Talk to trusted family members, friends, other parents or teachers if you have any concerns. If you feel you need more help, speak to your GP or another health professional.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.
Physical health is a big part of mental health. To help your child stay emotionally and physically healthy, encourage your child to do the following:

Keep active. Physical fitness will help your child stay healthy, have more energy, feel confident, manage stress and sleep well.
Develop and maintain healthy eating habits.
Get lots of regular sleep. Quality sleep will help your child to manage a busy life, stress and responsibilities.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.
Avoid alcohol and other drugs.
Alcohol and other drugs are a major risk factor for teenage mental health problems. You should encourage your child to avoid drugs, and don’t give him opportunities to drink alcohol until he’s 18 years old. If you know your child is using alcohol or other drugs and you’re worried, talk with your child. Also consider speaking to a health professional or counsellor.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Signs your child might need help with mental health
It’s normal for children and teenagers to sometimes have low moods, poor motivation and trouble sleeping. These things aren’t always the signs of a mental health problem. But if you notice any of the following signs and the signs go on for more than a few weeks, it’s important to talk with your child. The next step is to get professional help.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

For children younger than 12 years, mental health warning signs might include:

sadness a lot of the time
a drop in school performance
ongoing worries or fears
problems fitting in at school or getting along with other children
aggressive or consistently disobedient behaviour, or repeated temper tantrums
sleep problems, including nightmares.
For children 12 years and older, watch out for your child:

seeming down, feeling things are hopeless, being tearful or lacking motivation
having trouble coping with everyday activities
showing sudden changes in behaviour, often for no obvious reason
having trouble eating or sleeping
dropping in school performance, or suddenly refusing to go to school, TAFE or work
avoiding friends or social contact
saying she has physical pain – for example, headache, stomach ache or backache
being aggressive or antisocial – for example, missing school, getting into trouble with the police, fighting or stealing
being very anxious about weight or physical appearance, losing weight or failing to gain weight as she grows.
If your child tells you he keeps thinking about self-harm or suicide, seek urgent professional help. Call Lifeline on 131 114, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also call 000 or go straight to a hospital emergency department.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Talking with your child about mental health
If you’re concerned about your child’s mental health, start by talking to your child. This might feel uncomfortable – you might even be waiting for the problem to go away. But talking to your child about how she’s feeling shows her she’s not alone and that you care. Also, your child might need your help to get professional support.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Here are some ideas to encourage your child to talk to you about how he’s feeling:

Say that even adults have problems they can’t sort out on their own. Point out that it’s easier to get help when you have someone else’s support.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.
Tell your child that it’s not unusual for young people to feel worried, stressed or sad. Also tell her that opening up about personal thoughts and feelings can be scary.
Tell your child that talking about a problem can often help put things into perspective and make feelings clearer. Someone with more or different experience – like an adult – might be able to suggest options your child hasn’t thought of.
Suggest some other people your child could talk to if he doesn’t want to talk to you – for example, aunts or uncles, close family friends, a trusted sports coach or religious leader, or your GP.
Let your child know that talking with a GP or other health professional is confidential. They can’t tell anyone else, unless they’re worried about your child’s safety or someone else’s safety.
Emphasise that your child isn’t alone. You’ll be there whenever she’s ready to talk.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.
If you raise your concerns with your child, he might refuse any help or say there’s nothing wrong. Many young people won’t seek help themselves. So you might need to say that you’re worried about him and you’ll be trying to get professional advice. It’s a good idea to encourage your child to come with you. If he won’t, you might need to go on your own.

If you’re not sure what to do, a GP or school counsellor is a good place to start.

Your child could try a confidential counselling service for young people like Kids Helpline for teens – 1800 551 800. There are also online therapy services like Reach Out, Youth Beyond Blue and eheadspace .Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Getting help for your child’s mental health problems
Mental health problems are unlikely to get better on their own, so you need to get professional help as soon as possible. Poor mental health or unmanaged mental health problems can affect your child’s quality of life, physical health, schoolwork, relationships and development – social, physical, educational and vocational.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

There are many professional support options, including:

your GP
school counsellors
psychologists and counsellors
social workers
your local community health centre
local mental health services.
Supporting a child with mental health issues can be hard. It’s important to look after yourself too. You can find support options on our mental health links and resources page. You could also call Parentline on 1800 301 300 or visit the Parentline web counselling page.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

If you don’t know where to go, your GP will be able to guide you to the most appropriate services for your family.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

It’s not unusual for young people to experience "the blues" or feel "down in the dumps" occasionally. Adolescence is always an unsettling time, with the many physical, emotional, psychological and social changes that accompany this stage of life.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Unrealistic academic, social, or family expectations can create a strong sense of rejection and can lead to deep disappointment. When things go wrong at school or at home, teens often overreact. Many young people feel that life is not fair or that things "never go their way." They feel "stressed out" and confused. To make matters worse, teens are bombarded by conflicting messages from parents, friends and society. Today’s teens see more of what life has to offer — both good and bad — on television, at school, in magazines and on the Internet. They are also forced to learn about the threat of AIDS, even if they are not sexually active or using drugs.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Teens need adult guidance more than ever to understand all the emotional and physical changes they are experiencing. When teens’ moods disrupt their ability to function on a day-to-day basis, it may indicate a serious emotional or mental disorder that needs attention — adolescent depression. Parents or caregivers must take action.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Dealing With Adolescent Pressures
When teens feel down, there are ways they can cope with these feelings to avoid serious depression. All of these suggestions help develop a sense of acceptance and belonging that is so important to adolescents.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Try to make new friends. Healthy relationships with peers are central to teens’ self-esteem and provide an important social outlet.
Participate in sports, job, school activities or hobbies. Staying busy helps teens focus on positive activities rather than negative feelings or behaviors.
Join organizations that offer programs for young people. Special programs geared to the needs of adolescents help develop additional interests.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.
Ask a trusted adult for help. When problems are too much to handle alone, teens should not be afraid to ask for help.
But sometimes, despite everyone’s best efforts, teens become depressed. Many factors can contribute to depression. Studies show that some depressed people have too much or too little of certain brain chemicals. Also, a family history of depression may increase the risk for developing depression. Other factors that can contribute to depression are difficult life events (such as death or divorce), side-effects from some medications and negative thought patterns.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Recognizing Adolescent Depression
Adolescent depression is increasing at an alarming rate. Recent surveys indicate that as many as one in five teens suffers from clinical depression. This is a serious problem that calls for prompt, appropriate treatment. Depression can take several forms, including bipolar disorder (formally called manic-depression), which is a condition that alternates between periods of euphoria and depression.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Depression can be difficult to diagnose in teens because adults may expect teens to act moody. Also, adolescents do not always understand or express their feelings very well. They may not be aware of the symptoms of depression and may not seek help.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

These symptoms may indicate depression, particularly when they last for more than two weeks:

Poor performance in school
Withdrawal from friends and activities
Sadness and hopelessness
Lack of enthusiasm, energy or motivation
Anger and rage
Overreaction to criticism
Feelings of being unable to satisfy ideals
Poor self-esteem or guilt
Indecision, lack of concentration or forgetfulness
Restlessness and agitation
Changes in eating or sleeping patterns
Substance abuse
Problems with authority
Suicidal thoughts or actions
Teens may experiment with drugs or alcohol or become sexually promiscuous to avoid feelings of depression. Teens also may express their depression through hostile, aggressive, risk-taking behavior. But such behaviors only lead to new problems, deeper levels of depression and destroyed relationships with friends, family, law enforcement or school officials.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Treating Adolescent Depression
It is extremely important that depressed teens receive prompt, professional treatment.

Depression is serious and, if left untreated, can worsen to the point of becoming life-threatening. If depressed teens refuse treatment, it may be necessary for family members or other concerned adults to seek professional advice.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Therapy can help teens understand why they are depressed and learn how to cope with stressful situations. Depending on the situation, treatment may consist of individual, group or family counseling. Medications that can be prescribed by a psychiatrist may be necessary to help teens feel better.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Some of the most common and effective ways to treat depression in adolescents are:

Psychotherapy provides teens an opportunity to explore events and feelings that are painful or troubling to them. Psychotherapy also teaches them coping skills.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps teens change negative patterns of thinking and behaving.
Interpersonal therapy focuses on how to develop healthier relationships at home and at school.
Medication relieves some symptoms of depression and is often prescribed along with therapy.
When depressed adolescents recognize the need for help, they have taken a major step toward recovery. However, remember that few adolescents seek help on their own. They may need encouragement from their friends and support from concerned adults to seek help and follow treatment recommendations.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Facing the Danger Of Teen Suicide
Sometimes teens feel so depressed that they consider ending their lives. Each year, almost 5,000 young people, ages 15 to 24, kill themselves. The rate of suicide for this age group has nearly tripled since 1960, making it the third leading cause of death in adolescents and the second leading cause of death among college-age youth.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Studies show that suicide attempts among young people may be based on long-standing problems triggered by a specific event. Suicidal adolescents may view a temporary situation as a permanent condition. Feelings of anger and resentment combined with exaggerated guilt can lead to impulsive, self-destructive acts.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Emotional health is an important part of overall health. People who are emotionally healthy are in control of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. They are able to cope with life’s challenges. They can keep problems in perspective and bounce back from setbacks. They feel good about themselves and have good relationships.

Being emotionally healthy does not mean you are happy all the time. It means you are aware of your emotions. You can deal with them, whether they are positive or negative. Emotionally healthy people still feel stress, anger, and sadness. But they know how to manage their negative feelings. They can tell when a problem is more than they can handle on their own. They also know when to seek help from their doctor.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Research shows that emotional health is a skill. There are steps you can take to improve your emotional health and be happier.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Path to improved well being
Emotional health is an important part of your life. It allows you to realize your full potential. You can work productively and cope with the stresses of everyday life. It helps you work with other people and contribute to society.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

It also affects your physical health. Research shows a link between an upbeat mental state and physical signs of good health. These include lower blood pressure, reduced risk of heart disease, and a healthier weight

There are many ways to improve or maintain good emotional health.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Be aware of your emotions and reactions. Notice what in your life makes you sad, frustrated, or angry. Try to address or change those things.
Express your feelings in appropriate ways. Let people close to you know when something is bothering you. Keeping feelings of sadness or anger inside adds to stress. It can cause problems in your relationships and at work or school.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.
Think before you act. Emotions can be powerful. Give yourself time to think, and be calm before you say or do something you might regret.
Manage stress. Try to change situations causing you stress. Learn relaxation methods to cope with stress. These could include deep breathing, meditation, and exercise.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.
Strive for balance. Find a healthy balance between work and play and between activity and rest. Make time for things you enjoy. Focus on positive things in your life.
Take care of your physical health. Your physical health can affect your emotional health. Exercise regularly, eat healthy meals, and get enough sleep. Don’t abuse drugs or alcohol.
Connect with others. We are social creatures. We need positive connections with other people. Make a lunch date, join a group, and say hi to strangers.
Find purpose and meaning. Figure out what it is important to you in life, and focus on that. This could be your work, your family, volunteering, caregiving, or something else. Spend your time doing what feels meaningful to you.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.
Stay positive. Focus on the good things in your life. Forgive yourself for making mistakes, and forgive others. Spend time with healthy, positive people.
Things to consider
People who have good emotional health can still have emotional problems or mental illness. Mental illness often has a physical cause. This could be a chemical imbalance in the brain. Stress and problems with family, work, or school can trigger mental illness or make it worse.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Counseling, support groups, and medicines can help people who have emotional problems or mental illness. If you have an ongoing emotional problem, talk to your family doctor. He or she can help you find the right type of treatment.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Mental wellness is the ability to adapt to changes, deal with trauma, and bounce back from the significant stressors that life presents, and it is just as important as physical health. Mental wellness can help children manage unpleasant feelings and the uncertainties of life, as well as protect them from risky substance use as they grow.

Of course, every young person is different in his or her responses to life's challenges. While some embrace obstacles as opportunities, others may dwell on challenges or be consumed by setbacks. How a person responds to life is contingent upon many factors, including, at times, mental health status.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

As adults, we should never assume that a child has mastered a difficult situation just because they have been through it before. When a traumatic life event occurs, including a personal struggle with a mental health condition, physical and psychological distress can disrupt a child's overall well being and ability to make healthy decisions. At these points, our young people's mental wellness is at risk.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

For even the healthiest kids, experiencing challenges is unavoidable, and can put young people at risk for substance use, worsening mental health, or other conditions. However, coming through these challenges with the aid of adult support, whether a young person struggles with mental health concerns or not, can be an excellent way of building resiliency and mental toughness for the future.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Mental Health and Teens with a Substance Use Disorder
Over 95% of the young clients with a primary substance use disorder that addiction treatment professionals see also have a coexisting mental health diagnosis. Working with adolescents, professionals like those within the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation often discuss the phenomenon of a client having a "dual diagnosis," but even that term can be misleading. In many cases, an individual will have more than two, and sometimes three or four, different mental health diagnoses: "co-occurring disorders" is more accurate.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

A discussion of the developmental underpinnings of substance use disorders can help adults who do not have clinical training to gain an understanding of mental wellness and illness in teens with substance use disorders.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Links between Substance Use and Mental Health
Recent research indicates that there are over 300 genes positively correlated with substance use disorders. There seem to be five main regions of the brain that are different for most people who develop substance use disorders, and through identical twin studies, it has been discovered that these brain structures exist prior to significant chemical use.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Geneticists have uncovered that the same 300 genes that are positively correlated with substance use disorders are also positively correlated with difficulties with mood and behavioral regulation.

This is an important point to understand. It is not that individuals with emotional difficulties start using substances as a way to medicate their emotions, nor is it that individuals who struggle with substance use disorders find themselves developing more significant emotional and behavioral regulation issues as a result of their substance use.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Instead, it appears that individuals with these genetic predispositions are significantly at risk for both emotional and behavioral dysfunction, simultaneously with predisposition to have difficulty with alcohol or other drug use.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Current research indicates that approximately 60% of individuals who eventually develop substance use disorders have first- or second generation family members who have also struggled with chemical use.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Mental health professionals, including those at the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, find it rare to have young clients whose background does not indicate both mental health and substance use risk in their family of origin. In the field, of course, we are used to looking for a family history of chemical dependency on the initial assessment for a young person entering substance use disorder treatment.

It is also important, however, to look not only for history of chemical dependency, but for a history of difficulty with emotional behavioral regulation as well. Both are likely to be found, as individuals with substance use disorders tend to struggle emotionally and behaviorally, related to genetic predisposition and environment alike.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Mental Health Challenges for Otherwise Healthy Kids
Change can be difficult at any age. If mental health is a continuum and teen substance use behaviors and attitudes also vary, many young people without either a substance use or mental health disorder will still be at risk for challenges to their mental wellness. The most common changes that occur for healthy young people include:Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

bullying and friendship issues
life transitions
puberty and physical changes
changing families
The internet adds another layer of challenges. Children have an accelerated exposure to unhealthy attitudes, images, and ideas that are glamorized and unrealistic. While at FCD Prevention Works we effectively assess and address the evidence-based social norms approach to substance use prevention through our prevention programs and services, more can be done in homes and in the community to look at how false normative beliefs shape students' broader mental wellness.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Untreated traumatic experiences and these false perceptions can distort a child's view of normal development and lead to problems including:Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

anxiety, nervousness, and worry
interference with school achievement
relationships with family and peers
self-esteem and self-confidence
procrastination, motivation, and time management
major life decisions
There are children in every community who are in the midst of mental health situations and deserve their best chance at success. Whether you are a parent, a teacher, a school counselor or any other adult living or working with teens, you can create an environment of mental wellness that promotes healthy decisions by young people in regard to alcohol and other drugs.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Our Role as Adults
In our work in classrooms around the world, we hear that students have many well-meaning adults in their lives who talk with them about important pieces of adolescent development like integrity, honesty, and values. Yet, when these same kids are faced with conflicts in life, they appear confused about what to do to maintain their mental wellness and promote their best chance at a healthy future. Indeed, when teens are forced to put into context the values that are presented to them, they may struggle to find the adult support they need through this process.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Helping children reach their full potential, cope with changes in life, and be engaged with their surroundings is an ongoing process that should begin in the earlier stages of learning. Here, adults can play an active role.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Risks to Mental Wellness for Children
Mental health is imperative to quality of life and future success for children. Identifying early warning signs of a mental health stressor or problem presents an opportunity for caring adults to help growing teens develop resiliency and avoid alcohol and other drug use, as well as sustain a safer learning environment for everyone too.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

In academics
Paying attention to high-stress times during the school year can reduce the tension associated with school-hosted social events, holiday breaks, testing, and transitions at the beginning and end of the year. School by itself, at any age, can put enough stress on a child that it may begin to interfere with daily functioning. It is fundamental to create learning environments that are physically and emotionally safe, in order to help students be more engaged, have positive attitudes, and avoid conflicts and isolation.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

In the brain and body
The complex hormonal changes and ongoing brain development during adolescence make teens more susceptible to depression and more likely to engage in higher-risk behaviors. In fact, about 20% of 13- to 18-year-olds suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder. If left untreated, negative consequences can develop over a lifetime. Quality of life as well as academic performance decreases, the risk of substance use and chronic illness increases, and relationships deteriorate and suffer.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

More than half of teens with untreated mental conditions drop out of school, and over 75% of students with diagnosable mental disorders do not receive adequate treatment. Right now, suicide is the third leading cause of death for adolescents. When we examine mental illness, many signs are present in early childhood.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Best Practices for Adolescents with Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
Given the extremely high incidence of co-occurrence between substance use and other mental health disorders, individuals with substance use disorders simultaneously also must receive high quality mental health treatment.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

We know that, particularly with young adults, if we simply treat substance use disorders without addressing mental wellness, it is likely that concurrent behavioral or emotional issues will be a trigger for a substance use relapse, especially among young people in early recovery.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

One of the primary concerns in early recovery is dealing with the often devastated self-esteem of the person in early recovery from addiction. As substance use progresses, a person experiences a slow but steady deterioration in his or her ability to do the things that are important to them, spending more and more time planning for substance use, actually using alcohol or other drugs, recovering from intoxication, and trying to hide the problem. This leaves less and less time for studying, work, school, and extracurricular interests.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Slowly, the kinds of identifying markers that individuals use to frame self-esteem have been lost. In a psychological sense, self-esteem and healthy self-concept reflect the ability to have accurate thinking, behavior, and emotions.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Young people with a substance use disorder—whether progressing to addiction or early in recovery—desperately need individuals in their lives who can give them accurate feedback, help them to understand the mistakes that they are making, and guide their way back to accurate thinking, behavior, and emotions.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

This is essentially good mental health treatment, but not all feedback of this sort need come from children's professional treatment providers. Any caring adults in a child's life should understand the importance of this kind of self-esteem improvement for that child and lend moral support.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Adults can reinforce the young person's drive to be well by providing feedback to them that will help them see themselves in a more accurate way, learn to be more effective in relationships, and ultimately learn to earn the trust of important people in their life.

Research indicates that individuals who are emotionally vulnerable are much more likely to become anxious and depressed and often are not clear about their fundamental values. By contrast, individuals who tend to be emotionally resilient usually have a firm and concrete set of values.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

This is one of the primary goals of the seminar work in FCD's upper school Intensive Student Education curriculum—to help students identify their personal values and how those values can be strengthened and remain unthreatened by alcohol and other drugs as they grow.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

If teens do not have fundamental values in day-to-day life, they essentially are left to compare themselves against others to determine how they're doing, a risky proposition. The more closely they can move towards their own values, the better and more secure they will feel. FCD encourages adults to help drive the value-formation of your teens, with and without substance use disorder, to maintain a healthy environment of mental wellness for all.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

What helps the whole
Building resiliency is one of the most important skills an adult can help a child develop toward their mental wellness. It is an ongoing journey of conversations, role modeling, and guidance. At any age, it is appropriate for children to engage in healthy risks such as making new friends, trying new sports, or learning something new.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

However, these steps—challenging for kids with or without a diagnosis—can lead to unwanted feelings and uncertainty. There are ways, though, that healthy, trusted, and supportive adults can help.

Best Practices for All Adolescents
Problem solving
Teaching a child how to solve problems allows them to embrace challenges with confidence. Rather than asking a child "why" something happened, asking them "what" they could do differently promotes positive solution-building.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

In a child that develops confidence, self-efficacy and trust in their future decisions will follow. Teaching resiliency begins young.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Normalizing mental health
Fear, anger, excitement, and frustration can feel isolating to a young person. Help children recognize their emotions and learn healthy ways to express themselves.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Children in the middle and high school years tend to identify school as their number one stressor, with family relationships a close second or third. Work to change this for your young people by working toward receptive and safe relationships at home while advocating for and prioritizing a balanced school life in your community, where stress is recognized and mental wellness is given its due.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Building an environment of educators and professionals who can address mental health promotion through mindfulness can greatly improve the mental wellness of teens. Simply incorporating a minute of mindfulness into each day, with exercises including breathing, visualizations, positive reflections, or quiet listening, can be impactful, and can help establish balance and presence in one's life.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Kids often catastrophize situations and in turn feel overwhelmed. Engaging a child in thoughtful questioning can develop alternative thought patterns and broaden a child's perspective. A child with limited views can often become anxious and fearful.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Allow space for kids to create their own solutions. Inevitably, they will make mistakes, but in doing so, the consequences that they encounter can be great building blocks for future decisions.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Other skill building
Teaching children concrete skills can help them navigate future situations. A shy child may learn to make eye contact or practice appropriate greetings. Role-playing life scenarios and providing teens with the language to make healthy choices in life may seem repetitive, but is absolutely necessary.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Helping kids connect positive reasons for their choices increases their chances at overcoming obstacles in life. Practicing these skills can build confidence. Teens repeatedly rehearse for music, sports, and academics, but how often do they get to practice life situations like confronting a friend with a social concern?

Role-modeling healthy behaviors is essential for children to see. Young people today are surrounded by media that has normalized unhealthy coping skills. Effective early interventions and ongoing communication with children can improve academic outcomes and nourish the mental health of a child.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

Growing Mental Wellness in Teens
The growing years are critical to the social, emotional, and physical development of our children. Friends shift, bodies change, and myriad other circumstances provide stress and challenges within the lives of our children.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

As adults, we work to provide our teens with the life skills essential to be victorious in these daily battles. For some, these battles may appear transient, necessary steps to wade through to begin a healthy adulthood. For others, mental health issues are ongoing and may require intervention, treatment, and monitoring so that they may thrive in life with a mental health disorder diagnosis. In either case, we care for our kids and want to prevent any barriers to success that we can, including the risk of substance use that is so inherent for teens who also undergo mental stress.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

For these and other reasons, we embrace the idea of mental wellness, and encourage you to actively look for ways to promote it in your homes and communities.Mental Wellness in Adolescents Assignment Papers.

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